Risk Management Tailored to your Business

From setting up a new hedging program to analyzing and refining an existing plan, CIH will work with your company to customize a solution for your specific needs. Our industry-leading technology provides a powerful complement to our talented staff who will work with you every step of the way to build a hedging program that will optimize your risk mitigation efforts.

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Establishing a solid hedge program is a critical component of your overall buying or selling function. We work directly with clients to quantify, assess and reduce price risk through a unique and effective hedging process. We provide the technical expertise and service to get the job done including:

  • A step-by-step plan to set up a hedge program — from basic parameters to advanced process and ongoing position management

  • Hedge strategies for greater control over physical prices and net profit margins

  • Evaluation of your market exposure of physical, futures, options and insurance combined to ensure the right coverage

  • Powerful risk analysis software used to design and analyze hedge positions

  • Monitor & evaluate position performance

  • Skill at incorporating options into physical and futures positions

  • Insightful market review and analysis


Government-sponsored insurance programs have grown into a significant pillar of many agricultural producers’ risk management plans. As these programs have evolved over the years to become more robust, CIH has observed greater participation by agricultural hedgers to incorporate these tools into their arsenal alongside traditional risk management solutions including exchange-traded derivatives.

Since premium costs are established by the federal government and uniform across insurance providers, service becomes the differentiating factor that sets agencies apart. CIH Insurance Services provides clients with unique tools including industry-leading software to help analyze and compare insurance offerings to exchange-traded alternatives. In addition, our experienced staff can help guide you through the appropriate use of these programs to complement your existing risk management strategies and maximize the unique features these programs provide.

  • LRP Insurance (Livestock Risk Protection)

  • LGM Insurance (Livestock Gross Margin)

  • DRP Insurance (Dairy Revenue Protection)

  • DMC Insurance (Dairy Margin Coverage)

  • PRF Insurance (Pasture, Rangeland, Forage)

Industry Partners

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CIH prides itself in leading the industry with cutting edge technology to assist our clients in their risk management endeavors. Our proprietary software platform that is customized to the various industries we work with provides an invaluable resource for both our clients and staff to optimize their efforts. Many of the technology tools in our software platforms were developed with direct input and feedback from our clients to help solve some of their biggest challenges for over 20 years.

Our talented development team is uniquely qualified to create tech-enabled solutions that save time, minimize effort, and allow more robust analysis of risk exposure.

  • Customized web and mobile portal for each company and user to centralize all physical and financial information, including futures and options, OTC swaps, insurance, and forwards, to provide a look at your operations performance and risk management plan in real time.

  • Risk and capital budgeting tool to test, stress, and create and implement a risk management plan that fits your operation.

  • Reporting and tracking tools to review and assess positions in an easily accessible and clear format that can be used by various stakeholders.

  • A full suite of fundamental and market information to centralize your information needs.



CIH provides premier execution services to the industry for trading commodities. Through our affiliated company, CIH Trading, LLC, we have a robust platform to trade futures and options as part of your risk management program:

  • Independent Introducing Broker (IIB) with multiple Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) relationships allows clients to choose custody over their clearing and settlement functions with the exchange.

  • Seamless implementation of your risk management plan using CIH’s brokerage services. Traded positions flow directly into our proprietary software platform, providing clients with real-time access to their net exposure, coverage, and advanced risk analytics.

  • Experienced trade desk with former FCM execution specialist and market makers ensure competitive and accurate trade execution.

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