Education: Group Simulations
Group Simulation Manager Portal
CIH Cattle Margin Simulation – Delta Hedging
In this simulation you are a cattle feeder that needs to manage the feed prices and live cattle sales for 690 head. Your first trading decision starts in February as you place 650 pound animals that will be marketed in October at 1400 pounds.
Strategic Position Management Cattle – Delta Hedging Simulation
In this simulation you are a cattle feeder that needs to manage the feed prices and live cattle sales for 690 head. Your first trading decision starts in February as you place 650 pound animals that will be marketed in October at 1400 pounds.
CIH Advanced Feeder Cattle Simulation
You’re a stocker that will feed 1175 head of 5-weight calves purchased in July and will carry the cattle to a selling weight around 900 pounds. You will be marketing these animals at the end of November. In keeping with your policy of carefully protecting against rising corn prices and lower feeder cattle prices, you want to begin hedging your risk immediately.
CIH Corn Purchasing Simulation
You’re a poultry company that procures 1,000,000 bushels of corn each futures month. In keeping with your policy of carefully protecting against rising corn prices, you want to begin hedging your fourth quarter needs using the December corn contract a year in advance.
CIH Simulacion para un Comprador de Harina de soya
Usted trabaja para una empresa procesadora de alimentos que contrata 100 contratos (10,000 toneladas cortas) de harina de soya cada mes. De acuerdo con su política de proteger cuidadosamente contra el aumento de los precios de la harina de soya, usted quiere comenzar a proteger sus necesidades de diciembre utilizando el contrato de harina de soya de diciembre con 16 meses por adelantado.
CIH Simulación de compra de maíz
A los fines de esta simulación usted representará a una empresa procesadora de alimentos que requiere 500,000 busheles de maíz cada trimestre. Para cumplir adecuadamente con la política corporativa de protección ante precios crecientes del maíz, usted quiere comenzar a proteger los requerimientos para el cuarto trimestre utilizando el contrato de maíz de Diciembre con un año de antelación.
CIH Simulación de compra de maíz – cinco decisiones
A los fines de esta simulación usted representará a una empresa procesadora de alimentos que requiere 500,000 busheles de maíz cada trimestre. Para cumplir adecuadamente con la política corporativa de protección ante precios crecientes del maíz, usted quiere comenzar a proteger los requerimientos para el cuarto trimestre utilizando el contrato de maíz de Diciembre con un año de antelación.
CIH Simulacion para un Comprador de Harina de soya con Delta
Usted trabaja para una empresa procesadora de alimentos que contrata 100 contratos (10,000 toneladas cortas) de harina de soya cada mes. De acuerdo con su política de proteger cuidadosamente contra el aumento de los precios de la harina de soya, usted quiere comenzar a proteger sus necesidades de diciembre utilizando el contrato de harina de soya de diciembre con 16 meses por adelantado.
CIH Simulacion para un Comprador de Harina de soya con Delta
Usted trabaja para una empresa procesadora de alimentos que contrata 100 contratos (10,000 toneladas cortas) de harina de soya cada mes. De acuerdo con su política de proteger cuidadosamente contra el aumento de los precios de la harina de soya, usted quiere comenzar a proteger sus necesidades de diciembre utilizando el contrato de harina de soya de diciembre con 16 meses por adelantado.
CIH Simulación de compra de maíz con delta
A los fines de esta simulación usted representará a una empresa procesadora de alimentos que requiere 500,000 busheles de maíz cada trimestre. Para cumplir adecuadamente con la política corporativa de protección ante precios crecientes del maíz, usted quiere comenzar a proteger los requerimientos para el cuarto trimestre utilizando el contrato de maíz de Diciembre con un año de antelación.
CIH Corn Purchasing Simulation – Five Decisions
You’re a poultry company that procures 1,000,000 bushels of corn each futures month. In keeping with your policy of carefully protecting against rising corn prices, you want to begin hedging your fourth quarter needs using the December corn contract a year in advance.
CIH Corn Producer Simulation
You’re a crop farmer that produces 200,000 bushels of corn each year. In keeping with your policy of carefully protecting against falling corn prices, you want to begin hedging your production using the December corn contract a year in advance.
CIH Corn Producer Simulation – Performance Bond
In this simulation you are a corn producer that needs to protect price on 300,000 bushels of CBOT Corn using the December contract. Your first trading decision starts in the middle of December of the previous year and finishes in October of the following year.
CIH Corn Producer Simulation – Five Decisions
You’re a crop farmer that produces 200,000 bushels of corn each year. In keeping with your policy of carefully protecting against falling corn prices, you want to begin hedging your production using the December corn contract a year in advance.
CIH/FCMA Corn Producer Simulation – FARMS
You’re a crop farmer that produces 200,000 bushels of corn each year. In keeping with your policy of carefully protecting against falling corn prices, you want to begin hedging your production using the December corn contract a year in advance.
CIH 4th Quarter Advanced Dairy Margin Simulation
In this simulation you are a dairy producer that needs to manage feed prices and milk sales for 2,200 head and 14.4 million pounds of milk for the fourth quarter of the year. Your first trading decision starts in March and finishes by the beginning of Fall.
CIH Dairy Margin Simulation – Strategic Position Management
In this simulation you are a dairy producer that needs to manage feed prices and milk sales for 2,200 head and 14.4 million pounds of milk for the third quarter of the following year. Your first trading decision starts in September and finishes by the end of Summer.
CIH Dairy Margin Simulation – Compeer Workshop
In this simulation you are a dairy producer that needs to manage feed prices and milk sales for 2,200 head and 14.4 million pounds of milk for the third quarter of the following year. Your first trading decision starts in September and finishes by the end of Summer.
CIH Advanced Ethanol Margin Simulation
In this simulation you are an ethanol producer that needs to protect your July margin on 8.4 million gallons of ethanol. Your first trading decision starts in December and finishes by the end of July.
Ethanol Margin Simulation – Strategic Position Management
In this simulation you are an ethanol producer that needs to protect your January margin on 8.4 million gallons of ethanol. Your first trading decision starts in April and finishes by the end of January.
Growth Energy – Ethanol Margin Simulation
In this simulation you are an ethanol producer that needs to protect your January margin on 8.4 million gallons of ethanol. Your first trading decision starts in April and finishes by the end of January.
CIH Advanced Hog Margin Simulation
In this simulation you are a hog producer that needs to protect your fourth quarter margin on 6 million pounds of pork. Your first trading decision starts in April and finishes by the middle of December.
CIH Hog Margin Simulation – Strategic Position Management
In this simulation you are a hog producer that needs to protect your fourth quarter margin on 4.8 million pounds of pork. Your first trading decision starts in February and finishes by the end of October.
CIH Simulacion para un Comprador de Harina de Soya – seis decisiones
La primera semana de Abril la direccion le ha instruido a usted y a su equipo comprar 9,071 T.M.(100 Contratos) de Harina de Soya para Febrero 16 a los mejores niveles de precio posibles, utilizando futuros, opciones. Por politica interna su posicion neta no debe exceder 100 contratos, sean largos o cortos. Habra 6 oportunidades para fijar el precio de algunos, todos o ningun contrato. Al llegar a la fecha de embarque todas las posiciones abiertas seran compensadas. Las ganancias o perdidas seran aplicadas al precio de contado en la fecha final de compra, Febrero 16.
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